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5 Quotes from Steve Jobs Every Entrepreneur Needs

  • articles imageBy Nishar Multani
  • articles imageDecember 30, 2020
  • articles image7 Min Read
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Having that sort of clarity about what needs to get done and what’s coming down your pipeline almost makes organizing it all trivial. Nevertheless, you’ll want to couple your technological advantages with some practical, old-school advice for balancing a heavy workload:

  • Break giant workloads into smaller chunks.
  • Structure smaller tasks to optimize your workflow.
  • Start by tackling your most time-consuming tasks first, as these are usually your biggest moneymakers. Follow up with smaller tasks once you have more time.
  • Don’t fall into the trap of trying to multitask. It will just sap your attention and you’ll end up dropping the ball on everything. Sure, there will be times where your attention gets pulled away because of something urgent, but as a rule, limit multitasking whenever possible.

Combined, these elements should help you get a handle on your work, and even help you slice through a heavy backlog. Combine these with work tricks like the 20-20-20 rule to keep yourself fresh and keep your productivity high throughout the workday.

Kylie Jones
Experienced in Article writing

Prof kylie jones holds a Master’s Degree in Education Arts from Stanford University. She is a competent writer with five years experience in online academic writing. Over the years, she has gained enough expertise in fields.

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